rlcosclei-ic-*.-, / 6 (3) : 47r-474(1999) which commonindicesof sclerophyllybestreflect differencesin leaf structure?' philip k. groom z, centre for ecosystemmanagement,school of natural sciences,edith cowan university, 100joondalupdrive' joondalup 6027, australia, email: p.groom@cowan'edu'au nyion b. lamont, school of environmental biology, curtin university of technology' gpo box ul98?' perth 6t[l' austra]ia' abstract: when describing the sclerophyllous nature of leaves' two indices are most commonly cited: fibre:protein ratio (fpr), better known as the f-o""f"r, ,i"rophylly index; -j l"ui -u,t per unit area-(lma)' or its inverse' specific leaf area (sla). here, we assessthe jative i-port rrc" of th"." *o indi"", in accounting for changesin leaf structurr:' the primary basis for variations in sclerophylly. fpr compares ,ou"*t (i'e., lignin and-cellulose lcrude fibre]) to oon-structural (i.e., protein = protoplasm) i"li i#"arf, on the basis that in$easing sclerophylly is associated with a greater contribution of crude fibre and smaller contribution of protein ,o ,o,"1 dty weigh't. ho*iuit,ioisin" the crude fibre content is just one way of increasing sclerophylly, and a dccrease in the nitrogen content (i'e', protein)-does not conaibute dlectly to thc impression of leaf hardness.vnlr" ppn lacks a clear -uio#"ur basis, it may provide a biochemical interpretation of scle- rophylly. in contrast, r_r"re i, ,rr" "-rs product of leaf thickness and leaf density, two (often independent) attributes that are linked to different "o*pon"no oi u leaf s anatomicavstructural attributes' wi show that fpr'and lma are often poorly correlated and conclude that lma is a more useful measure of sclerophylly, especially when thiclsress and density are known' i"y*irat, sclerophylly, leaf massper area,fibre:protein ratio' leaf structure' r6sum6:deux indices sont souyentutilis6s pour caracteriserle degr€ de scldrophyllie.desfeuilles : le rapport fibres:prot.lines (rfp), mieux "o*r, "o*. ilindice de scl6rophyllie de i-ovelesi, et la massi foliaire par unit6 de surface (mfs)' ou son inverse la surface foliaire rpe"tftqr". nous 6valuons ici ta capacii6 ae ces deux.indicei ir expliquer les changementsci'l la structure foliaire ir la u"r" rrier* des variations de sclerophyllie. tr rfp permet de comparer le matdriel structuraa (ligntnt: et cellulose) au mat6riel non structural (prot6ines)ae u feuittl' en pr6sumant qu'une augmentationde la scl6rophyllie est asso- ci6e ir une plus grande contribution des fibres "t un" ptu, rniut, cintribution o"s prot6ines d la masse totale sdche' cependa[t' accroitre le contenu * nu.", ,r;"rt qulurr" d", fagoris d'augmenter.la scldrophyllie et une diminution du contenu en ^zote (elt prot6ines) ne contribue p"".alr."t"ro"i.t e la r6sistance ae h iluille. bien que ti nfp ne se €f€re pas i une origine anatomique claire, il peut fourn.u une rnterprdtation biochimique ae la scl6ronhlll*l.l- ":1::^t: mfs est le produit de l'€paisseur de la feuille et de sa densit6, deux caract6ristiques souvent ind6pendantes et associdesi des composantes diff6rentes de l,anatomie et de la structure de la feuille. nous-d6montrons que te ng et le mfs sont souvent peu corr6l6s et concluons que le mfs est une m"rur" ptu, otil" de la scl6rophyllie, surtout iorsque l'6paisseur etla densit6de la feuille sont connues' mots-cl€s: scl6rophyllie, -"rr" i"ii"* p* utti't6 a" surface, rapport fibres : prot6ines, structure foliairc' introduction sclerophyllyis a termusedto describeleavesthatare tough,stiff oi teattreryin texture(schimper,1903;seddon' 9fu). literally meaning 'hard-leaved',sclerophyllywas thesemeasuresis that a changein their magnitude coincides with a matchedchangein the level of sclerophylly' but how accurateare theseindices in quantifying sclerophylly? how well do they take into account variations in leaf structure' the primary-basis for variations in sclerophylly? it is not the intention bt ttris paper to review the background to all degreeof sclerophylly. clearly, a good index 9f a biological coicept must accuiately reflect the variable, be suitable for all miterial under study' and be relatively easy to measure' various indices of sclerophylly have been proposed' including leaf moisture content (loveless, 1961)' dry matter content-(kalapos,1994),leaf thickness (mooney et al'' 1982), leaf fraiture toughness(lucas & pereira' 1990)' and anatomicalmeasurements,suchasrelative palisadethickness (grubb, 1986). however, the fibre:protein ratio (better k ro*n as the loveless sclerophylly index) and leaf mass per area(lma), or its inverse specific leaf area (sla)' are ly far the most widely used. the assumptionunderlying as a purely descriptive term, requiring some measurableindei for inter- or intraspecific comparisonsof trec. 19984645; acc. 1999-01-06 2auths fq corespondene of sclerophylly cited in the literature, but rather to summarisethe featuresof the fibre:protein ratio (fpr) and ivfe (ot sla) that underlietheir usageasmeasuresof scleropirylly,andcommentontheirusefulnessin interpreting thestruauialchangesassociatedwith sclerophylly' fibre: protein ratio this measureof sclerophyllywas proposedby loveless(1961)afterhe comparedleaf chemistrydata u"t*""n speciesdiffering in leaf texture'originally' he thoughtthat crudefibre content(thatpart of dry matter in*otiutein strongacidandalkali)wouldprovidethemost usefulcomparativlmeasureof sclerophylly,whichheactu- ally believedwas bestrepresentedby leaf dryness' gnoov & leuot.rr:coupnr:ncin'dlcfsofsclerophylly however, when comparinga selectionof 'mesophytic' and 'sclerophyllous' leaves,lovelessfound that differences,in fibre concentrationof the two leaf typeswere not great,and could be partially explained by the fact that crude fibre per dry weight doesnot take into accountother chemicalcom- ponentsof the leaf. assuming that fibre was an important component of sclerophylly, lovelessproposedthat any estimate basedon fibre should be compared with a non- structural component,either leaf fresh weight or somemea- sure of leaf protoplasm.leaf fresh weight was dismissed becauseit is unstable,dependingon weatherat time of harvest and subsequenttreatment of the leaf. crude protein content (calculatedas nitrogenconcentrationmultiplied by 6.25) was consideredto reflect the part of dry leaf tissues that doesnot contain fibre. the ratio of crude hbre to crude protein content(fpr) was then usedasthe standardmeasure of sclerophyllyby loveless(1961; 1962).fpr has also been used as a measureof leaf palatability to herbivores (waterman et al., 1988;choong et al., 1992). however, the concepts of palatability, digestibility and sclerophylly should not be confused(turner, 1994a). does fibre content adequatelyreflect differencesin leaf properties as they affect sclerophylly? this might be true if cell wall thickening and the presenceof sclerified tissues was the only meansof increasingsclerophylly. but thereare alternative ways of increasing sclerophylly that do not necessarilyinvolve an increasein crude fibre or a decrease in protein. this can be achieved by decreasingthe size of cells without changing cell wall density or cytoplasmic content,or by impregnatingexisting cells with extra cutin or crystals,in place of cellulose or lignin. increasingthe number or size of cells may changeleaf dimensions,inde- pendentof their histochemistry.such anatomicalchanges may be accompaniedby a reduction (groom, lamont & markey, 1997)or increase(shipley, 1995)in leaf area,but more certainly by increasesin leaf thicknessand/or density. independentof areaor density, a thicker leaf will be tougher than a thin one. leaf mass per unit area lma (previouslyknown asleaf specificmass)is calcu- lated as leaf dry mass divided by projected leaf area. the_ inverse of this is sla. we are not aware of the history of these indices,but mooney et al. (1977) used lma as an index of sclerophylly over 20 years ago. both lma and sla may be consideredthe products of leaf density and thickness(witkowski & lamont, 1991),which are directly related to structural properties of the leaf. lma has an advantageover sla in that it is directly, rather than inversely,relatedto sclerophylly. witkowski & lamont (1991) noted that variations in leaf densitymay be the resultof differencesin: (i) thickness and densityof the cuticle and cell walls, (ii) inclusionsin the cells (starch grains, crystals), and (iil) extent and abun- dance of air spaces,sclereids,fibre groups and vascular bundles.variations in leaf thicknessmay be dueto variations in leaf shape,number of layersand lengthof palisadecells, width of rest of mesophyll, epidermis, and hypodermis, and placementof veins.thus, the two componentsof lma rep- resent different structural aspectsof the leaf and should be 472 independent,this is demonstratedin fig:urel: lma were not significantly different within leaf age clas two co-occurringbanksiaspecies,but the,"u*ns we€,i ferent.b. petiolarishasvery thick leavesof relativdf i density while b. baueri has thinner leaves of high d leaf density increasedwith agein both specieswhile ness remained static. thus, for these two species, density, andthicknessarenot correlated. bulk densityhasbeenshown to accountfor vari lma for a number of species,with most studies on grass species(garnier & laurent, 1994; van & poorter, 1994). most studiesthat relate changesin to leaf thicknessfailed to calculate density fronr the dad.: (abrams, 1994).witkowksi & lamonr (1991) showedrhai,; for hine shrub speciesinhabiting a range of soil typ"s, the , 6. 350 9f 3oo .r 250 e! q o 5 0.8 o o i t 0.7 fr 0.6 200 650 550 450 350 250 i 0.9 0 1 2 3 4 5 leaf age(years) figurel. variations in leaf mass per area (lma) and its components, leaf thickness and density, in co-occurring banksiapetiolaris (open circles) and b. bauei (closed circles) in one- to five-year-old leaves. bars are se for l0 replicatcs (witkowski et al., 1992). 0.5 lma of r::: :pecieswas linearly correlatedwith density, trrres;r\. -.:i,-:r,e:s.asrdonesrt$rrbo{ndens\\yandt\,rc\ness. comparingthetwo indices in:re arerwo issuesto be considered:(i) whetherfpr anrj l\l{ (or their components)are alwayscorrelated,and riir rf ure)'arenot, which is a more valid index of sclero_ ph1lii i omitting conelationsbetween subsetsof the data, rnere \\ere no overall relationshipsbetweenfpr and sla or leaf thicknessfor monocotsand dicots in southern .\usrraiia (specht& rundel, 1990).for a much largerdata sel from many partsof the world, there was no correlation between sla and fpr or crude fibre, but there was between sla and nitrogen (turner, l9g4b). for 42 tree species,choonget al. (1992) showedthat fpr was corre- lated with sla and densirybut not with thickness,and that sla was correlatedwith nitrogen but not with fibre. we conclude that fpr and lma arepoor indices of eachother, especially when attempting to interpret the results in terms of their components. although loveless(1961)proposedthatproteincontent provided an independentbasisfor comparing fibre contents, this and subsequentwork have usually shown a (negative) relationship betweenthe two (steubing & albardi, 1973; specht & rundel, 1990). where they are starisricallyinde- pendent, there is the problem that a high fpr could be due to a high fibre concentration(directly relatedto sclerophylly) or a low protein content(not directly relatedto scteroptrytty;. fp.rmay, however, provide us with a biochemical interpie- tation of sclerophylly. highly sclerophyllousfloras are usu- ally associatedwith nutrient deficient soils, particularly those low in phosphorusand nitrogen (beadle, 1966; lamont, 1994).becausephosphorusand nitrogen are essen- tial requirementsfor protein synthesis,carbon-rich metabo- lites which may havebeenusedto form protein aretherefore diverted to form other compounds, including cellulose and lignin. as a result, fpr may be viewed asmore of a measure of metabolic efficiency than of sclerophylly. in addition, a nutritive interpretation is of little value if varying levels of sclerophylly are due to differencesin lieht or water avail- ability rather than nutrient availabilit! (oertli, lips & agami, 1990;groom& lamont, 1997). lma respondsonly to structural changesrather than to both structural and chemical changes.it is much more eco- logically useful that nitrogen is correlated with the measure ofsclerophylly (seeabove)ratherthan being a componentof it, so that a cornmon cause(low nutrients)is distinguished from its morphological effect. at best, fpr representsthe density componentof sclerophylly (as do the water/dry matter approaches)but ignores leaf (essentiallymesophyll) thickness as an essentialcomponent of it. for example, it is generally agreedthat adult and needle leavesaremore scle- rophyllous than conspecific seedlingandbroad leaves.their lma values support this impression, but the reasonis that adult and needle leaves are thicker rather than denserthan conspecific seedling and broad leaves(groom, lamont & kupsky, 1994;groom, lamont & markey, 1997). the major drawback with lma is that its measuremenr is basedon leaf massand area,and yet its interpretationas a measureof sclerophylly requires a knowledge of the two ecoscence,vor-.6(3),1999 other componentsof mass:thicknessanddensity(witkowski & lamon\, \99\, turner, 1994b). conceptual\y, it assumes that thesetwo pathwaysareof equal weight in influencing a change in the degreeof sclerophylly. for example, the {egr9e of sclerophylly may be doubled either by dbubling density or thickness (or a combination of the two). in thii regard, it is no different from fpr. thickness is seldom determined(althoughit is simply done with vernier calipers or a spring-loadedscrew gauge)and density almost niver (although it is simply calculatedaslma/thickness). , there may be practical problems with flattening out broad leavesto obtain area,whereasericoid leavesare best treated as cylinders and a correction factor applied (witkowski & lamont, l99l). when a prominenr midrib is involved, the lamina should be used for all measurements, and judgement about leaf thickness may be needed when scatteredprotruding veins are involved. when shrinkage or drying is likely (e.g., immature or succulentleaves)it is essential that thickness and area are measured on fresh (turgid) material before adequatedrying. it is important that the density of such leavesbe calculatedon the original dimensionsto ensureit is not overestimated.in this regard, thick leavesthat collapseon drying cannot be considered very sclerophyllous,although the hydrostatic pressure associatedwith their turgidity may give the impression of reasonablehardness. t-:---.^ri., r rr rlrcrieiatiy, r-ivr.r and its componenis are simple to measure,may be measuredon an individual leaf basis for all leaves,the methodsare less destructiveand expensive than other techniques,and replication and subsamplingare easier.in addition, density and thickness may also be con- sidered as (charles-edwardset al., 1986) contributors to photosyntheticpotential, as well as essentialindices of palatability (waller & jones,1991).in the absenceof 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