espace: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1591-1600 of 75678
(2023)Mihajla Gavin et al. address the importance of teacher unions as the collective voice of teachers to counter policies that worsen teacher working conditions and student learning environments.
(2023)Meghan Stacey et al. provide a historical context to the introduction of the temporary teacher category and its implications of precariousness of work and the impact on workload and career expectations.
(2023)Scott Fitzgerald et al. reflect on the shift from centralised decision-making to increased school autonomy and the resultant impact on teachers and principals.
(2023)Background: Unhealthy advertising influences the attitudes and behaviour of children. Child exposure to products such as alcohol and fast food have been linked to adverse health problems, such as heavy drinki ...
(2023)Rachel Wilson et al. provide insights into teachers’ work through research, including interviews, workshops and questionnaires.
(2023)Susan McGrath-Champ et al. introduce a series of articles on teachers’ work and working conditions. Their work provides an update to “Understanding work in schools, The Foundation for teaching and learning”, the 2018 ...
(2024)Accurate determination of mode III interlaminar fracture toughness is paramount in composite materials due to its critical role in edge delamination, which nonetheless remains a significant challenge encountered. As such, ...
(2023)The benefits of higher education include increased employment rates, higher average salaries; increased social status and typically better economic security. If universityparticipation is to increase, understanding students’ ...
(2023)Various applications of the Pb–Pb, U–Pb, and Rb–Sr isotopic tools have been explored to better understand the geological history of ancient continental crust in Western Australia. The findings have enhanced knowledge about ...