espace: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1611-1620 of 75678
(2023)Dating of xenotime outgrowths (XOs) has been used to obtain depositional age constraints on sedimentary sequences devoid of volcanic tuffs and biostratigraphically useful fossils (i.e., most of Earth history). Here, we ...
(2023)The duration and extent of sediment routing systems are intrinsically linked to crustal- to mantle-scale processes. Therefore, distinct changes in the geodynamic regime may be captured in the detrital record. This study ...
(2023)Accurate chronology of climatic shifts is critical to understand the controls on landscape and species evolution. Unfortunately, direct dating of continental climate change is hindered by the scarcity of dateable terrestrial ...
(2022)Deciphering the composition and extent of Earth's earliest continents is hampered by the scarcity of preserved Hadean–Eoarchean material. Here, we report U–Pb and Lu–Hf data of detrital zircon from sediments proximal to ...
(2023)First Nations women and children with disability are at greater risk of family and domestic violence (FDV) and its consequences than their non-Indigenous peers. A recent report (Ringland et al., 2022) found that First ...
(2019)However, graduates from low socioeconomic backgrounds, who were Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders, or who were from non-English speaking backgrounds were found to be disadvantaged in the labour market, and policy ...
(2019)This seventh report in the BCEC’s Focus on the States series explores the profile and evolution of immigration in Australia over recent years, and undertakes a comprehensive assessment of immigrants’ contributions to ...
(2020)This latest report in the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre’s Focus on Western Australia series, the thirteenth in this series, looks to add to our understanding of the lives of young children in Australia, the environment ...
(2020)Western Australia is at a critical juncture in developing its long-term strategy to drive economic and social progress. As the state seeks to chart a course through and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, the case to balance ...
(2021)This report explores the breadth and variety of people’s experiences through the COVID-19 pandemic and asks: what has the pandemic revealed about the state of Australia’s social capital, the connectedness of our communities, ...