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dc.contributor.authorAl-Khdheeawi, E.
dc.contributor.authorVialle, S.
dc.contributor.authorBarifcani, Ahmed
dc.contributor.authorSarmadivaleh, M.
dc.contributor.authorIglauer, Stefan
dc.identifier.citationAl-Khdheeawi, E. and Vialle, S. and Barifcani, A. and Sarmadivaleh, M. and Iglauer, S. 2017. Influence of CO2-wettability on CO2 migration and trapping capacity in deep saline aquifers. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology. 7 (2): pp. 328-338.

CO2 migration and trapping capacity in deep saline aquifers are highly influenced by various rock and fluid parameters. One of the key parameters, which has received little attention, is CO2-wettability. We thus simulated the behavior of a CO2 plume in a deep saline aquifer as a function of rock wettability and predicted various associated CO2 migration patterns and trapping capacities. We clearly show that CO2-wet reservoirs are most permeable for CO2; CO2 migrates furthest upwards and the plume has a candle-like shape, while in a water-wet reservoir the plume is more compact and rain-drop shaped. Furthermore, higher residual trapping capacities are achieved in water-wet rock, while solubility trapping is more efficient in CO2-wet rock. We thus conclude that rock wettability has a highly significant impact on both CO2 migration and trapping capacities and that water-wet reservoirs are preferable CO2 sinks due to their higher storage capacities and higher containment security.

dc.titleInfluence of CO2-wettability on CO2 migration and trapping capacity in deep saline aquifers
dc.typeJournal Article
dcterms.source.titleGreenhouse Gases: Science and Technology

This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Al-Khdheeawi, E. and Vialle, S. and Barifcani, A. and Sarmadivaleh, M. and Iglauer, S. 2017. Influence of CO2-wettability on CO2 migration and trapping capacity in deep saline aquifers. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology. 7 (2): pp. 328-338., which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving at

curtin.departmentSchool of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
curtin.accessStatusOpen access

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