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dc.contributor.authorIbrahim, A.
dc.contributor.authorTurdukulov, Ulanbek
dc.contributor.authorKraak, M.
dc.contributor.editorYannis Manolopoulos
dc.contributor.editorGoce Trajcevski
dc.contributor.editorMargita Kon-Popovska
dc.identifier.citationIbrahim, A. and Turdukulov, U. and Kraak, M. 2014. Representing Internal Varying Characteristics of Moving Objects, in Manolopoulos, Y. and Trajcevski, G. and Kon-Popovska, M. (ed), Advances in Databases and Information Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8716, pp. 207-218. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.

Recent data acquisition tools have resulted in huge amounts of data that have spatial and temporal components. The movement represents an important category of such data. Some phenomena may have attributes that vary continuously over space, such as wildfires and storms. Nevertheless, for simplification purpose, most applications represent such phenomena as objects by neglecting their internal continuous structure. Moreover, little consideration has been given to such characteristics in moving objects database. At this end, this paper presents a data model for managing raster data and internal heterogenous attributes in moving objects. The data model utilizes the abstract data types. We add two abstractions (moving raster, and combined type) to describe the change of the raster data and internal varying characteristics of the moving objects along with specific operations that permit to analyse them. Query examples are provided to demonstrate the application of these operations.

dc.subjectinternal varying characteristics
dc.subjectSpatiotemporal data model
dc.subjectmoving objects
dc.subjectmoving objects databases
dc.titleAdvances in Databases and Information Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
dc.typeBook Chapter
dcterms.source.titleRepresenting Internal Varying Characteristics of Moving Objects; Volume 8716, 2014
dcterms.source.placeBerlin Heidelberg
curtin.departmentDepartment of Spatial Sciences
curtin.accessStatusFulltext not available

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