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dc.contributor.authorArmstrong, Helen
dc.contributor.authorMurray, Iain
dc.contributor.authorPermvattana, R.
dc.identifier.citationArmstrong, Helen L. and Murray, Iain D. and Permvattana, Ruchi R.. 2006. : Evaluating Cisco e-learning courses modified for the vision impaired, 7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 10 Jul 2006, pp. 34-39. Sydney, Australia: IEEE.

The needs of vision impaired students are quite different to sighted students. The increasing use of e-learning means higher education must move to multi-modal user interfaces in order to make e-learning materials accessible to all students. E-Learning materials (particularly in the sciences and technology) are predominantly visual, presented via computer keyboard and screen. Software and devices designed to aid the visin impaired are unable to decipher most images and visual-centric objects contained in e-learning materials.This paper discusses a project undertaken over the past two years to modify the content and presentation of Cisco certification e-learning courses to enable accessibility by vision impaired and blind students. These modifications necessitated rewriting the learning materials so they could be effectively presented via multi-modal user interfaces to vision impaired students, involving speech, aufio, haptics and force-feed devices and methods.Evaluatin of sections of the project by the vision impaired students using a model based upon Stufflebeam's CIPP model and Kirkpatrick's Four-Level training program evaluation model has been carried out and the results are presented.

dc.subjectinformation technology
dc.subjecthandicapped aids
dc.subjectuser interface human factors
dc.subjecteducational technology
dc.titleEvaluating Cisco e-learning courses modified for the vision impaired
dc.typeConference Paper
dcterms.source.titleProceedings of the 7th international conference on information technology based higher education and training
dcterms.source.seriesProceedings of the 7th international conference on information technology based higher education and training
dcterms.source.conference7th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training
dcterms.source.conference-start-date10 Jul 2006
dcterms.source.conferencelocationSydney, Australia
dcterms.source.placeNew York

Copyright 2006 IEEE


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curtin.accessStatusOpen access
curtin.facultyCurtin Business School
curtin.facultySchool of Information Systems

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