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dc.contributor.authorWolfs, Peter
dc.contributor.editorNesimi Ertugrul
dc.identifier.citationWolfs, Peter. 2009. The Impact of Sympathetic Magnetisation Transients on Harmonic Filters in Auto-Transformer Fed Railway Traction Applications, in Nesimi Ertugrul (ed), Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference AUPEC 2009, Sep 27 2009. Adelaide, SA: The University of Adelaide.

The operation of mixed fleets of modern PWM rectifier and older thyristor locomotives and the tightening of harmonic emission standards globally will lead to more complex harmonic filter installations in railway applications. This paper shows that track switching operations in an auto-transformer fed system can generate sympathetic transformer magnetization currents that have very significant magnitudes, high harmonic content and last for some seconds. A sympathetic transient can occur when un-energized auto-transformers are switched into service and paralleled with energized transformers at the feeder station or in adjacent track sections. The harmonic loads imposed by these currents need to be considered in the design of the harmonic filter elements and protection.

dc.publisherThe University of Adelaide
dc.subjectpower system transients
dc.subjectpower system harmonics
dc.subjectrailway electrification
dc.subjectpower harmonic filters
dc.titleThe Impact of Sympathetic Magnetisation Transients on Harmonic Filters in Auto-Transformer Fed Railway Traction Applications
dc.typeConference Paper
dcterms.source.titleAustralasian Universities Power Engineering Conference
dcterms.source.seriesAustralasian Universities Power Engineering Conference
dcterms.source.conferenceAustralasian Universities Power Engineering Conference AUPEC 2009
dcterms.source.conference-start-dateSep 27 2009
dcterms.source.conferencelocationAdelaide Australia

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curtin.accessStatusOpen access
curtin.facultyDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering
curtin.facultySchool of Engineering
curtin.facultyFaculty of Science and Engineering

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