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dc.contributor.authorHurley-Walker, N
dc.identifier.citationAde, P.A.R. and Aghanim, N. and Arnaud, M. and Ashdown, M. and Aumont, J. and Baccigalupi, C. and Balbi, A. and Banday, A.J. and Barreiro, R.B. and Battaner, E. and Battye, R. and Benabed, K. and Benoît, A. and Bernard, J.-P. and Bersanelli, M. and Bhatia, R. and Bikmaev, I. and Böhringer, H. and Bonaldi, A. and Bond, J.R. and Borrill, J. and Bouchet, F.R. and Bourdin, H. and Brown, M.L. and Bucher, M. and Burenin, R. and Burigana, C. and Butler, R.C. and Cabella, P. and Carvalho, P. and Catalano, A. and Cayón, L. and Chamballu, A. and Chary, R.-R. and Chiang, L.-Y. and Chon, G. and Clements, D.L. and Colafrancesco, S. and Colombi, S. and Coulais, A. and Crill, B.P. and Cuttaia, F. and Da Silva, A. and Dahle, H. and Davies, R.D. and Davis, R.J. and de Bernardis, P. and de Gasperis, G. and De Rosa, A. and De Zotti, G. and Delabrouille, J. and Démoclès, J. and Dickinson, C. and Diego, J.M. and Dolag, K. and Dole, H. and Donzelli, S. and Doré, O. and Douspis, M. and Dupac, X. and Efstathiou, G. and Enßlin, T.A. and Eriksen, H.K. and Feroz, F. and Finelli, F. and Flores-Cacho, I. and Forni, O. and Fosalba, P. and Frailis, M. and Franceschi, E. and Fromenteau, S. and Galeotta, S. and Ganga, K. and Génova-Santos, R.T. and Giard, M. and Giraud-Héraud, Y. and Giraud-Héraud, Y and González-Nuevo, J. and Górski, K.M. and Grainge, K.J.B. and Gregorio, A. and Gruppuso, A. and Hansen, F.K. and Harrison, D. and Henrot-Versillé, S. and Hernández-Monteagudo, C. and Herranz, D. and Hildebrandt, S.R. and Hivon, E. and Hobson, M. and Holmes, W.A. and Huffenberger, K.M. and Hurier, G. and Hurley-Walker, N. and Jagemann, T. and Juvela, M. and Kaihänen, E. and Khamitov, I. and Kneissl, R. and Knoche, J. and Kunz, M. and Kurki-Suonio, H. and Lagache, G. and Lamarre, J.-M. and Lasenby, A. and Lawrence, C.R. and Le Jeune, M. and Leach, S. and Leonardi, R. and Liddle, A. and Lilje, P.B. and Linden-Vørnle, M. and López-Caniego, M. and Luzzi, G. and Macías-Pérez, J.F. and MacTavish, C.J. and Maino, D. and Mandolesi, N. and Maris, M. and Marleau, F. and Marshall, D.J. and Martínez-González, E. and Masi, S. and Massardi, M. and Matarrese, S. and Matthai, F. and Mazzotta, P. and Meinhold, P.R. and Melchiorri, A. and Melin, J.-B. and Mendes, L. and Mennella, A. and Mitra, S. and Miville-Deschênes, M.-A. and Montier, L. and Morgante, G. and Munshi, D. and Naselsky, P. and Natoli, P. and Nørgaard-Nielsen, H.U. and Noviello, F. and Novikov, D. and Novikov, I. and Olamaie, M. and Osborne, S. and Pajot, F. and Paoletti, D. and Pasian, F. and Patanchon, G. and Pearson, T.J. and Perdereau, O. and Perrott, Y.C. and Perrotta, F. and Piacentini, F. and Pierpaoli, E. and Platania, P. and Pointecouteau, E. and Polenta, G. and Popa, L. and Poutanen, T. and Pratt, G.W. and Puget, J. and Rachen, J.P. and Rebolo, R. and Reinecke, M. and Remazeilles, M. and Renault, C. and Ricciardi, S. and Ristorcelli, I. and Rocha, G. and Rodríguez-Gonzálvez, C. and Rosset, C. and Rossetti, M. and Rubiño-Martín, J.A. and Rumsey, C. and Rusholme, B. and Sandri, M. and Saunders, R.D.E. and Savini, G. and Schammel, M.P. and Scott, D. and Shimwell, T.W. and Smoot, G.F. and Starck, J.-L. and Stivoli, F. and Stolyarov, V. and Sudiwala, R. and Sunyaev, R. and Sutton, D. and Suur-Uski, A.-S. and Sygnet, J.-F. and Tauber, J.A. and Terenzi, L. and Terenzi, L and Toffolatti, L. and Tomasi, M. and Tristram, M. and Valenziano, L. and Van Tent, B. and Vielva, P. and Villa, F. and Vittorio, N. and Wade, L.A. and Wandelt, B.D. and Yvon, D. and Zacchei, A. and Zonca, A. 2013. Planck intermediate results. II. Comparison of Sunyaev-Zeldovich measurements from Planck and from the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager for 11 galaxy clusters. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 550: A128 (20 p.).

A comparison is presented of Sunyaev-Zeldovich measurements for 11 galaxy clusters as obtained by Planck and by the ground-based interferometer, the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager. Assuming a universal spherically-symmetric Generalised Navarro, Frenk and White (GNFW) model for the cluster gas pressure profile, we jointly constrain the integrated Compton-Y parameter (Y500) and the scale radius (θ500) of each cluster. Our resulting constraints in the Y500 − θ500 2D parameter space derived from the two instruments overlap significantly for eight of the clusters, although, overall, there is a tendency for AMI to find the Sunyaev-Zeldovich signal to be smaller in angular size and fainter than Planck. Significant discrepancies exist for the three remaining clusters in the sample, namely A1413, A1914, and the newly-discovered Planck cluster PLCKESZ G139.59+24.18. The robustness of the analysis of both the Planck and AMI data is demonstrated through the use of detailed simulations, which also discount confusion from residual point (radio) sources and from diffuse astrophysical foregrounds as possible explanations for the discrepancies found. For a subset of our cluster sample, we have investigated the dependence of our results on the assumed pressure profile by repeating the analysis adopting the best-fitting GNFW profile shape which best matches X-ray observations. Adopting the best-fitting profile shape from the X-ray data does not, in general, resolve the discrepancies found in this subset of five clusters. Though based on a small sample, our results suggest that the adopted GNFW model may not be sufficiently flexible to describe clusters universally.

dc.publisherEDP Sciences
dc.subjectgalaxies: clusters: intracluster medium
dc.subjectgalaxies: clusters: general
dc.subjectcosmology: observations
dc.subjectcosmic background radiation
dc.subjectX-rays: galaxies: clusters
dc.titlePlanck intermediate results. II. Comparison of Sunyaev-Zeldovich measurements from Planck and from the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager for 11 galaxy clusters
dc.typeJournal Article
dcterms.source.titleAstronomy and Astrophysics

Reproduced with permission from Astronomy & Astrophysics, © ESO

curtin.accessStatusOpen access

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