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dc.contributor.authorCurran, Peter
dc.contributor.authorChaty, S.
dc.contributor.authorZurita Heras, J.
dc.identifier.citationCurran, P. and Chaty, S. and Zurita Heras, J. 2011. Discovery and identification of infrared counterpart candidates of four Galactic centre low mass X-ray binaries. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 553.

Context. The near infrared (nIR)/optical counterparts of low mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) are often observationally dim and residein high source density fields which make their identification problematic; however, without such a counterpart identification we areunable to investigate many of the properties of LMXB systems.Aims. Here, in the context of a larger identification campaign, we examine the fields of four LMXB systems near the Galactic centre,in a bid to identify nIR/optical counterparts to the previously detected X-ray point sources.Methods. We obtain nIR/optical images of the fields with the ESO – New Technology Telescope and apply standard photometric andastrometric calibrations; these data are supplemented by Spitzer-GLIMPSE catalog data.Results. On the basis of positional coincidence with the arcsecond accurate X-ray positions, we identify unambiguous counterpartcandidates for XTE J1637-498, IGRJ17379-3747, IGRJ17585-3057 and GX9+1.Conclusions. We propose tentative nIR counterparts of four LMXBs which require further investigation to confirm their associationsto the X-ray sources.

dc.publisherEDP Sciences
dc.subjectX-rays: individuals: XTE J1637-498
dc.subjectX-rays: individuals: IGRJ17585-3057
dc.subjectX-rays: individuals: GX9+1
dc.subjectX-rays: individuals: IGRJ17379-3747
dc.subjectinfrared: stars
dc.subjectX-rays: binaries
dc.titleDiscovery and identification of infrared counterpart candidates of four Galactic centre low mass X-ray binaries
dc.typeJournal Article
dcterms.source.titleAstronomy and Astrophysics
curtin.accessStatusFulltext not available

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