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dc.contributor.authorToms, Julianna
dc.contributor.authorGurevich, Boris
dc.contributor.authorMuller, Tobias
dc.contributor.authorJohnson, D.
dc.identifier.citationToms, Julianna and Gurevich, Boris and Muller, Tobias and Johnson, D. 2007. Proceedings of the 69th Conference and Exhibition, in EAGE (ed), EAGE 69th Conference & Exhibition, Jun 11 2007. London UK: Co-productions.

Mesoscale heterogeneities occur on a spatial scale, which is greater than pore-scale but less than wavelength scale. The presence of mesoscale heterogeneities in saturating fluids within porous rock causes significant attenuation and phase velocity dispersion. In particular, both contrast in fluid properties and spatial distribution of fluids significantly affects attenuation and dispersion. Thus patchy saturation models need to be flexible in order to account for both contrast and distribution effects. In particular, models which allow arbitrary fluid distributions assume low contrast (or small concentrations) in fluid properties; whilst models which account for fluid contrast assume a fixed periodic distribution of heterogeneities. Here we construct a general model which takes into account both fluid contrast and distribution. We utilize the existing Acoustics of Patchy Saturation (APS) framework of Johnson, which was originally designed for periodically distributed fluid heterogeneities of any contrast. Our approach is to suitably modify specific parameters known as shape and frequency scaling parameters. We do this by analysing and comparing the asymptotic behaviour between different theories to understand how these parameterschange with distribution and contrast. Our new parameters allow modelling of attenuation and dispersion due to arbitrary fluid distributions in 1D and 3D random structures.

dc.titleProceedings of the 69th Conference and Exhibition
dc.typeConference Paper
dcterms.source.titleAcoustics of random patchy saturation
dcterms.source.seriesAcoustics of random patchy saturation
dcterms.source.conferenceEAGE 69th Conference & Exhibition
dcterms.source.conference-start-dateJun 11 2007
dcterms.source.conferencelocationLondon UK
dcterms.source.placeHouten, The Netherlands
curtin.accessStatusFulltext not available
curtin.facultyDepartment of Exploration Geophysics
curtin.facultyFaculty of Science and Engineering
curtin.facultyWA School of Mines

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