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dc.contributor.authorDuncan, Alexander
dc.contributor.authorMcMahon, D.
dc.contributor.editorDavid Mee
dc.contributor.editorRobert Hooker
dc.contributor.editorIan Hillock
dc.identifier.citationDuncan, Alexander and McMahon, Darryl. 2004. Using a towed array to localise and quantify underwater sound radiated by the tow-vessel, in Mee, D. and Hooker, R. and Hillock, I. (ed), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society, Nov 3-5 2004, pp. 533-538. Gold Coast: Australian Acoustical Society.

This paper presents the results of a study aimed at determining the feasibility of using a towed array of hydrophones to localise and quantify sound sources on the tow-vessel. The method requires the tow-vessel to execute a manoeuvre in order to bring the array into a suitable geometry to allow it to image the tow-vessel. Previous work has focussed on a scenario where the tow-vessel executes a U-turn manoeuvre, resulting in rapid relative motion between the tow-vessel and hydrophones. In this paper a simulation is used to compare the performance of different beamforming algorithms in a scenario where the tow-vessel executes a constant radius turn. This scenario has the advantage of allowing longer integration times than the U-turn manoeuvre.

dc.publisherAustralian Acoustical Society
dc.titleUsing a towed array to localise and quantify underwater sound radiated by the tow-vessel
dc.typeConference Paper
dcterms.source.titleAcoustics 2004 - Transportation Noise and Vibration - The New Millenium
dcterms.source.seriesAcoustics 2004 - Transportation Noise and Vibration - The New Millenium
dcterms.source.conferenceProceedings of the Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society 2004
dcterms.source.conference-start-dateNov 3 2004
dcterms.source.conferencelocationGold Coast, Australia
dcterms.source.placeNSW Australia
curtin.departmentCentre for Marine Science & Technology (COE)
curtin.accessStatusOpen access
curtin.facultyCentre for Marine Science and Technology (CMST)
curtin.facultyFaculty of Science and Engineering

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