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dc.contributor.authorChelliah, S.
dc.contributor.authorLew, Tek Yew
dc.contributor.authorYee-Ai, C.
dc.contributor.authorSiu-Mei, Y.
dc.contributor.authorSiew-Ket, L.
dc.identifier.citationChelliah, S. and Lew, T.Y. and Yee-Ai, C. and Siu-Mei, Y. and Siew-Ket, L. 2015. Developing a cadre of successful global managers: The critical roles and skill-sets. International Business Management. 9 (4): pp. 470-475.

The purpose of this research report is to explore and analyse on the global manager's role in global organisations and the important skill-sets of global managers must acquire in order to fulfil their role. The major findings on the roles of global managers are based on two frameworks which are the seven global managerial roles and Caligiuri's ten tasks of global leaders. The seven global managerial roles are divided into three categories which are informational roles, interpersonal roles and action roles. Furthermore, Caligiuri's ten tasks of global leaders are the roles that a global manager must fulfil in order to understanding and operate in the global business environment. As for the findings of the important skills-sets of global managers, four skills-sets were identified which are global mindset, adaptability, cultural and cross-cultural awareness and ability to lead and motivate a diverse workforce towards organisation's goals and objectives. For the conclusion, the findings on the roles of global managers and the important skills-sets of global managers were summarised and concluded that all global managers must possess the identified skills-sets in order to fulfil their role effectively. Based on the four identified skills-sets of global managers, several recommendations were discussed to cultivate the four identified skill-sets in order to develop a cadre of global managers. The recommendations are track the effectiveness of the global mindset inventory developmental process international experience and experiential opportunities, didactic learning programs and leadership development program.

dc.titleDeveloping a cadre of successful global managers: The critical roles and skill-sets
dc.typeJournal Article
dcterms.source.titleInternational Business Management
curtin.departmentCBS International
curtin.accessStatusFulltext not available

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