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dc.contributor.authorKeatley, D.
dc.contributor.authorHagger, Martin
dc.contributor.authorHeym, N.
dc.identifier.citationKeatley, D. and Hagger, M. and Heym, N. 2013. The role of implicit measures of motivation in health, relationships, and well-being, in Schmid, H. and Quintard, B. (ed), Abstracts Supplement: Well-being, Quality of Life and Caregiving: 27th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Jul 16-20 2013. Bordeaux, France: Psychology & Health. 28 (Supl1): pp. 113.

Research into motivation underpinning health and well-being has traditionally adopted explicit, self-report questionnaires. Recently, there has been growing support for the role of implicitly measured motivation on health, relationships, and well-being. Dual-systems models have been proposed to account for the roles of both explicit/reflective and implicit/impulsive processes on a range of behaviours. This presentation will outline a program of research (N = 70 to 162) that shows the role of implicit and explicit motivation on health behaviours, relationships, and wellbeing. Across several studies, dual-systems models were tested, and the unique contribution of implicit measures of motivation assessed. Analyses indicate that implicit motivation offers additive prediction of a range of health behaviours and relationship factors; however, consideration of the outcomes shows that implicit motivation may better predict spontaneous or unplanned behaviours. This provides support for some of the patterns of interaction hypothesised in dual-systems models. Future research and implications are also outlined.

dc.titleThe role of implicit measures of motivation in health, relationships, and well-being
dc.typeConference Paper
dcterms.source.titlePsychology & Health
curtin.departmentSchool of Psychology and Speech Pathology
curtin.accessStatusFulltext not available

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