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dc.contributor.authorWood, David
dc.contributor.authorCarlsen, Jack
dc.contributor.editorLiburg, J.
dc.contributor.editorHergesell, A.
dc.identifier.citationWood, D. and Carlsen, J. 2006. Corporate Social Responsibility or Government Intervention? A case study of sustainable tourism development at Ningaloo in Western Australia's North West, in Liburg, J. and Hergesell, A. (ed), B.E.S.T. Education Network Think Tank VI, 'Corporate Social Responsibility for Sustainable Tourism', Jun 13-16 2006. Girona, Spain: University of Western Sydney.

Implicit in notions of sustainable development is an holistic triple bottom line approach that seeks to preserve essential ecological processes, protect human heritage and biodiversity and foster inter and intra-generational equity whilst recognising political dimensions of tourism (Hall 2000; WCED 1987). Sustainable tourism seeks to achieve these goals and at the same time meet the needs of tourists and the long-term viability of tourism enterprises without compromising alternative uses or processes (Butler 1993). Sustainable tourism involves community interactions (Murphy 1994) and monitoring and management to achieve its social and environmental objectives (De Lacy, Battig, Moore & Noakes, S. 2002; Hall 2000; Harris & Leiper 1995) and occurs in a regulatory environment (Conlin & Baum 2003; Griffin and De Lacy 2002)

dc.publisherUniversity of Western Sydney
dc.titleCorporate Social Responsibility or Government Intervention? A case study of sustainable tourism development at Ningaloo in Western Australia's North West.
dc.typeConference Paper
dcterms.source.titleConference Proceedings of the BEST Education Network Think Tank VI
dcterms.source.seriesConference Proceedings of the BEST Education Network Think Tank VI
dcterms.source.isbn1 74108 085 1
dcterms.source.conferenceBEST Education Network Think Tank VI, 'Corporate Social Responsibility for Sustainable Tourism'
dcterms.source.conference-start-dateJun 13 2006
dcterms.source.conferencelocationGirona, Spain
dcterms.source.placeUniversity of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia
curtin.departmentHumanities-Faculty Office
curtin.accessStatusFulltext not available

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