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dc.contributor.authorJohnston, V.
dc.contributor.authorBeales, Darren
dc.identifier.citationJohnston, V. and Beales, D. 2016. Enhancing direct access and authority for work capacity certificates to physiotherapists. Manual Therapy. 25: pp. 100-103.

The mantra 'work is good for health' is familiar to those assisting in the rehabilitation of injured workers and is well supported in the literature. Regulators, workers compensation insurers and health professional bodies have taken steps over the last few years to promote early and safe return to work after a workplace injury. Improving direct access to physiotherapy and extending the role of physiotherapists to authorise work capacity certificates for injured workers will potentially facilitate early intervention, reduce absence from work in a cost-effective system while maintaining patient satisfaction. Several challenges to advancing the role of physiotherapists exist but are not insurmountable.

dc.publisherChurchill Livingstone
dc.titleEnhancing direct access and authority for work capacity certificates to physiotherapists
dc.typeJournal Article
dcterms.source.titleManual Therapy
curtin.departmentSchool of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science
curtin.accessStatusFulltext not available

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