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dc.contributor.authorNtogramatzidis, Lorenzo
dc.identifier.citationNtogramatzidis, L. 2015. Self-boundedness and self-hiddenness for implicit two-dimensional systems, In Proceeedings of the 9th International Workshop on Multidimensional (nD) Systems (nDS 2015), Sep 7-9 2015, pp. 1-6. Vila Real: IEEE.

In this paper we introduce and develop the concepts of self-boundedness and self-hiddenness for implicit two-dimensional systems. The aim of this note is to show that when extending such concepts to a multidimensional setting, a richer structure arises than in the one-dimensional case.

dc.titleSelf-boundedness and self-hiddenness for implicit two-dimensional systems
dc.typeConference Paper
dcterms.source.titleProceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Multidimensional (nD) Systems (nDS 2015)
dcterms.source.seriesProceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Multidimensional (nD) Systems (nDS 2015)
dcterms.source.conferenceThe 9th International Workshop on Multidimensional (nD) Systems (nDS 2015)

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curtin.departmentDepartment of Mathematics and Statistics
curtin.accessStatusOpen access

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