Wind Farm Grid Integration Architecture using Unified Expandable Power Converter
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IEEE This paper proposes a novel unified expandable low switch power electronic converter architecture for grid integration of direct drive variable speed wind turbine (VSWT) system using permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). The proposed unified expandable power converter (UEPC) can interface two or more bidirectional output ports such as wind generators, energy storages and grid. The size of the power converter is compact because of low number of power electronic switches and protection devices and its architecture is easily expandable to accommodate more outputs, i.e., in this case, the wind turbines. A generalized sequential space vector modulation technique is developed based on the operational principle of the proposed converter to control of the outputs autonomously in order to track maximum power point for individual VSWTSs driven PMSG's. It is expected that the proposed approach will reduce the cost of power electronic converters in a wind farm compared to both AC- and DC-link based topologies, which are available for the moment
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