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dc.contributor.authorParry, Sharon
dc.contributor.authorDe Oliveira, Beatriz
dc.contributor.authorMcVeigh, Joanne
dc.contributor.authorEe, Joyln
dc.contributor.authorJacques, Angela
dc.contributor.authorStraker, Leon
dc.identifier.citationParry, S. and De Oliveira, B.I.R. and McVeigh, J.A. and Ee, J. and Jacques, A. and Straker, L. 2019. Standing desks in a grade 4 classroom over the full school year. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16 (19): 3590.

© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. School-aged children are spending increasingly long periods of time engaged in sedentary activities such as sitting. Recent school-based studies have examined the intervention effects of introducing standing desks into the classroom in the short and medium term. The aim of this repeated-measures crossover design study was to assess the sit-stand behaviour, waking sedentary time and physical activity, and musculoskeletal discomfort at the start and the end of a full school year following the provision of standing desks into a Grade 4 classroom. Accelerometry and musculoskeletal discomfort were measured in both standing and traditional desk conditions at the start and at the end of the school year. At both time points, when students used a standing desk, there was an increase in standing time (17-26 min/school day) and a reduction in sitting time (17-40 min/school day). There was no significant difference in sit-stand behaviour during school hours or sedentary time and physical activity during waking hours between the start and the end of the school year. Students were less likely to report discomfort in the neck and shoulders when using a standing desk and this finding was consistent over the full school year. The beneficial effects of using a standing desk were maintained over the full school year, after the novelty of using a standing desk had worn off.

dc.subjectmusculoskeletal discomfort
dc.subjectphysical activity
dc.subjectsedentary behaviour
dc.subjectstanding desks
dc.titleStanding desks in a grade 4 classroom over the full school year
dc.typeJournal Article
dcterms.source.titleInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
curtin.departmentSchool of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science
curtin.departmentSchool of Occ Therapy, Social Work and Speech Path
curtin.accessStatusOpen access
curtin.facultyFaculty of Health Sciences
curtin.contributor.orcidParry, Sharon [0000-0002-3924-3929]
curtin.contributor.orcidMcVeigh, Joanne [0000-0002-2446-3814]
curtin.contributor.orcidJacques, Angela [0000-0002-0461-681X]
curtin.contributor.scopusauthoridParry, Sharon [56368372700]
curtin.contributor.scopusauthoridMcVeigh, Joanne [8126013300]
curtin.contributor.scopusauthoridJacques, Angela [35770640500]

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