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dc.contributor.authorJohn, Michele
dc.contributor.editorJohn, Michele

Sustainability education should be a transformative learning process that provides both teachers and students with the sustainability knowledge, values, methods of thinking and future focus required to balance our economic and social demands within the natural boundaries and health of our global ecosystems. • Sustainability education development is needed to develop students, as our future workforce and future leaders, with the skills, sustainability mindset and values needed to meet the challenges of the sustainability transition. • Global education institutions are slowly beginning to recognise the need to focus more on sustainability education development and leadership. • There are many challenges in the sustainability education transition including the complex multidisciplinary definition of sustainability, a poor understanding of sustainability content and curricula by educators, tightly controlled discipline-focused curricula and a lack of institutional focus on sustainability education development. • ‘Sustainability’ is an evolving definition of concepts, ideals and values with ‘regenerative sustainability’ a newly emerging definition with increased responsibilities for sustainability stewardship and management.

dc.publisherTaylor and Francis
dc.titleSustainability transition outcomes and the language of ‘sustainability'.
dc.typeBook Chapter
dcterms.source.titleThe Routledge Handbook of Global Sustainability Education and Thinking for the 21st Century
curtin.departmentSchool of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
curtin.departmentSchool of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
curtin.accessStatusIn process
curtin.facultyFaculty of Science and Engineering
curtin.facultyFaculty of Science and Engineering
curtin.contributor.orcidJohn, Michele [0000-0002-8487-6602]
curtin.contributor.orcidJohn, Michele [0000-0002-8487-6602]
curtin.contributor.scopusauthoridJohn, Michele [56259366600]
curtin.contributor.scopusauthoridJohn, Michele [56259366600]

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