Now showing items 1971-1980 of 75681

    • Ramzy, J.; Andrianopoulos, N.; Roberts, L.; Duffy, S.J.; Clark, D.; Teh, A.W.; Ajani, A.E.; Reid, Christopher ; Brennan, A.; Freeman, M. (2019)
      Objectives: To evaluate the clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with peripheral vascular disease (PVD) undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in a contemporary setting, and to determine whether ...
    • Zoungas, S.; Curtis, A.; Spark, S.; Wolfe, R.; McNeil, J.J.; Beilin, L.; Chong, T.T.J.; Cloud, G.; Hopper, I.; Kost, A.; Nelson, M.; Nicholls, S.J.; Reid, Christopher ; Ryan, J.; Tonkin, A.; Ward, S.A.; Wierzbicki, A. (2023)
      Introduction The world is undergoing a demographic transition to an older population. Preventive healthcare has reduced the burden of chronic illness at younger ages but there is limited evidence that these advances can ...
    • Carr, P.R.; Webb, K.L.; Neumann, J.T.; Thao, L.T.P.; Beilin, L.J.; Ernst, M.E.; Fitzgibbon, B.; Gasevic, D.; Nelson, M.R.; Newman, A.B.; Orchard, S.G.; Owen, A.; Reid, Christopher ; Stocks, N.P.; Tonkin, A.M.; Woods, R.L.; McNeil, J.J. (2023)
      In the general population, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference are recognized risk factors for several chronic diseases and all-cause mortality. However, whether these associations are the same for older adults ...
    • Ho, Chau Le Bao ; Reid, Christopher (2022)
      Current evidence on benefits of night-time blood pressure (BP) lowering drug treatment on cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention attributable to the Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in the Prediction of Cardiovascular ...
    • Chowdhury, Enayet ; Nelson, M.R.; Ernst, M.E.; Margolis, K.L.; Beilin, L.J.; Johnston, C.I.; Woods, R.L.; Murray, A.M.; Wolfe, R.; Storey, E.; Shah, R.C.; Lockery, J.E.; Tonkin, A.M.; Newman, A.B.; Williamson, J.D.; Abhayaratna, W.P.; Stocks, N.P.; Fitzgerald, S.M.; Orchard, S.G.; Trevaks, R.E.; Donnan, G.A.; Grimm, R.; McNeil, J.J.; Reid, Christopher (2020)
      BACKGROUND: Despite readily available treatments, control of blood pressure (BP) with population aging remains suboptimal. Further, there are gaps in the understanding of the management of high BP in the aged. We explored ...
    • Dai, L.; Dorje, T.; Gootjes, J.; Shah, A.; Dembo, L.; Rankin, J.; Hillis, G.; Robinson, Suzanne ; Atherton, J.J.; Jacques, Angela ; Reid, Christopher ; Maiorana, Andrew (2023)
      Introduction General practitioners (GPs) routinely provide care for patients with heart failure (HF); however, adherence to management guidelines, including titrating medication to optimal dose, can be challenging in this ...
    • Neumann, J.T.; Thao, L.T.P.; Murray, A.M.; Callander, E.; Carr, P.R.; Nelson, M.R.; Wolfe, R.; Woods, R.L.; Reid, Christopher ; Shah, R.C.; Newman, A.B.; Williamson, J.D.; Tonkin, A.M.; McNeil, J.J.; Murray, A.; Beilin, L.; Chan, A.; Demons, J.; Ernst, M.; Espinoza, S.; Goetz, M.; Johnston, C.; Kirpach, B.; Liew, D.; Margolis, K.; Meyskens, F.; Nelson, M.; Reid, C.; Shah, R.; Storey, E.; Woods, R.; Zalcberg, J.; Nelson, M.; Ives, D.; Berk, M.; Bernstein, W.; Brauer, D.; Burns, C.; Chong, T.; Cloud, G.; Donnan, G.; Eaton, C.; Fitzgerald, P.; Gibbs, P.; Haydon, A.; Jelinek, M.; Macrae, F.; Mahady, S.; Malik, M.; McLean, C.; Murray, A.; Newman, A.; Rodriguez, L.; Satterfield, S.; Shah, R.; van Londen, G.; Ward, S.; Williamson, J.; Wood, E.; Zalcberg, J.; Mohr, J.; Anderson, G.; Connolly, S.; Friedman, L.; Manson, J.A.; Sano, M.; Morrison, S.; Ohman, E.M.; Woods, R.; Abhayaratna, W.; Donnan, G.; Johnston, C.; Lockett, T.; Nelson, M.; Reid, C.; Stocks, N.; Murray, A.; Reid, C.; Ernst, M.; Johnston, C.; Lewis, B.; Nelson, M.; Newman, A.; Obisesan, T.; Shah, R.; Woods, R.; Reid, C.; Ernst, M.; Gilbertson, D.; Shah, R.; Woods, R.; Lockery, J.; Rigby, J. (2022)
      Prolonging survival in good health is a fundamental societal goal. However, the leading determinants of disability-free survival in healthy older people have not been well established. Data from ASPREE, a bi-national ...
    • Ho, C.L.B.; Chih, H.J.; Garimella, P.S.; Matsushita, K.; Jansen, Shirley ; Reid, Christopher (2021)
      There is a lack of clarity and guidance for screening peripheral artery disease (PAD) in persons with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end stage kidney disease (ESKD) despite this group being at excess risk of cardiovascular ...
    • Freak-Poli, R.; Ryan, J.; Neumann, J.T.; Tonkin, A.; Reid, Christopher ; Woods, R.L.; Nelson, M.; Stocks, N.; Berk, M.; McNeil, J.J.; Britt, C.; Owen, A.J. (2021)
      Background: Poor social health is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Recent research suggests that different social health domains should be considered separately as the implications for health ...
    • Tao, Ran (2022)
      Rock fracturing is a hot issue in rock engineering. The macroscopic fracture development is associated with the microscopic damage evolution. Therefore, this research investigated the failure mechanism based on multi-scale ...