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dc.contributor.authorHurst, Chris
dc.contributor.editorJudy Anderson
dc.contributor.editorMichael Cavanagh
dc.contributor.editorAnne Prescott
dc.identifier.citationHurst, C. 2014. Developing Pre-Service Teacher Capacity to Make Appropriate Choices of Tasks and Resources through Diagnostic Assessment of Children’s Work, in J. Anderson, M. Cavanagh, A. Prescott (ed), Curriculum in Focus: Research Guided Practice - 37th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Jun 29 2014. Sydney: MEGRA Inc.

This paper reports on one phase of a long-term project investigating mathematical contentknowledge of pre-service teachers. A cohort of second year PSTs conducted a diagnosticassessment and a series of associated tutoring sessions with a primary aged child. The focushere is on the PSTs’ ability to make appropriate task choices following the diagnosticprocess. Results of the study suggest that PSTs are capable of making sound choices oftasks and associated resources based on their mathematical and pedagogical contentknowledge following a targeted diagnostic assessment process.

dc.publisherMEGRA Inc
dc.titleDeveloping Pre-Service Teacher Capacity to Make Appropriate Choices of Tasks and Resources through Diagnostic Assessment of Children’s Work
dc.typeConference Paper
dcterms.source.titleCurriculum in Focus: Research Guided Practice
dcterms.source.seriesCurriculum in Focus: Research Guided Practice
dcterms.source.conferenceMEGRA 37 Curriculum in Focus: Research Guided Practice
dcterms.source.conference-start-dateJun 29 2014
curtin.departmentSchool of Education
curtin.accessStatusFulltext not available

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