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dc.contributor.authorDobozy, Eva
dc.contributor.editorLeanne Cameron
dc.contributor.editorJames Dalziel
dc.identifier.citationDobozy, Eva. 2011. Virtual history teaching in LAMS, in L. Cameron & J. Dalziel (ed), Proceedings of the 6th International LAMS & Learning Design Conference, Dec 8-9 2011. Sydney, NSW: LAMS Foundation.

This paper explores the implications of the Australian Curriculum, suggesting the need for new conceptualisations of history teaching in teacher education. The development of the virtual history fieldtrip module in LAMS illustrates the possibilities of new learning designs, which are technology-mediated and underpinned by an educational psychology framework. The theoretical and practical links of the virtual history fieldtrip module to the goals of the new Australian curriculum are explored in detail.

dc.publisherLAMS Foundation
dc.titleVirtual history teaching in LAMS
dc.typeConference Paper
dcterms.source.titleProceedings of the 6th International LAMS & Learning Design Conference 2011
dcterms.source.seriesProceedings of the 6th International LAMS & Learning Design Conference 2011
dcterms.source.conference2011 International LAMS & Learning Design Conference
dcterms.source.conference-start-dateDec 8 2011
dcterms.source.conferencelocationSydney, Australia
dcterms.source.placeSydney, Australia
curtin.departmentSchool of Education
curtin.accessStatusFulltext not available

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