espace: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1931-1940 of 75678
Sleep as a mediator of the relationship between social class and health in higher education students(2023)A substantial body of research indicates that higher education students from lower social class backgrounds tend to have poorer health than those from higher social class backgrounds. To investigate sleep as a potential ...
(2023)Objectives: Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is the intentional and deliberate damage to an individual's own body tissue without the intent to suicide. Individuals who have higher self-reported levels of experiential ...
(2023)Poor readers have lower academic achievement and increased anxiety, including reading anxiety, which may perpetuate lower academic achievement. We explored reading anxiety in university students, investigating whether the ...
(2023)Introduction: Parents of children with dyslexia may be at elevated risk for parenting stress and mental health concerns. Our aim was to explore the emotional experience of growing up with dyslexia in Australia from parents' ...
(2023)Children with dyslexia, compared with typically reading peers, are at increased risk of internalising (e.g., anxiety) and externalising (e.g., aggression) mental health concerns; why this is the case is largely unknown. ...
(2022)Introduction: Emotional dysfunction and dysregulation are defining features of affective disorders. People differ in their beliefs about how controllable and useful negative and positive emotions are, and the process ...
(2022)Background: Emotion regulation, distress tolerance, experiential avoidance, and both positive and negative affect have all been linked to NSSI. These constructs are proposed to be distinct; however, they share conceptual ...
(2023)Research on violence against children (VAC) requires meaningful, valid, and reliable self-report by children. Many instruments have been used globally and decisions to select suitable measures are complex. This review ...
(2022)Postdisaster daily stressors, the economic and social challenges caused or exacerbated by disasters, have significant consequences for mental health but are rarely investigated in child and adolescent populations. We ...
(2022)Background: Due to cognitive and emotional differences between individuals who have and have not stopped self-injuring, we explored these in the context of desire to stop. Method: Australian university students (n = 374) ...